Sunday, December 24, 2017

Banket - Dutch Goodness

When we lived in Holland, Michigan a sweet Dutch lady brought us a pastry she had made for a Christmas gift.  It was rather non-descript looking, but I took one bite and thought, "What is this?  It is soooo good!"  When I described it to Dutch people they all said, "Oh banket made with almond paste." like it was no big deal.  To the uninitiated it was a big deal.  I had it from the Dutch bakery, I bought it at the Dutch grocery store,  but none was quite as good as my first bite.   As my second Holland Christmas rolled around, she gifted us with another.  As I tried to hide it from my dear sweet man  (DSM) so I could eat the whole thing by myself, I realized hers was just much better than the bakery's.

I was bold and asked if she would teach me how to make it.  She responded that she would love to, but she had Alzheimer's and just didn't think she could do it.  A few days later her husband called and invited me over.  She wouldn't actually make some, but would share with me how to with his help.  The two of them were very open about her disease and limitations.  But with over 50 years of marriage, their partnership with powerful.  She said after all these years of cooking, she would forget in the middle of it what she had already done, what the next step was, which ingredients she needed.  Together they formed a team.  He was retired, so he always helped her now in the kitchen so she could continue to cook.  He made sure he knew what the recipe was and would help her when she forgot.  There was such a sweetness to it and a directness.  No pity, no sadness, just here is where we are now and how we deal with it.  He had typed out the recipe she used from her aunt from The Netherlands.  Because it requires grating frozen almond paste and frozen butter, he had made a grater holder for her years ago.  He also made one for me and a cardboard template for cutting out the pastry just the right size!

So I have made it myself for the first time.  It is not perfect, but still so good.  I will need to work on my rolling out pastry skills, but can't wait to share it with my family. 
Simple healthy ingredients along with white flour -haha

The nice holder Mart made for me to hold the grater for the frozen almond paste and butter.

The finished product.  The first one was not rolling out well when my mom explained the kitchen was too hot.  So I waited before rolling out the others and she was correct.

JAN'S BANKET RECIPE - makes 4 14" rolls


1 3/4  cups flour

1/4 cup corn starch

Mix together and sift.

Add:  2 sticks of hard butter, grated (frozen)

1/2 cup of ice water

Mix together and divide in 2 equal parts and allow to cool.  Note:  do not let it cool to the extent that it becomes stiff.  If it is too cold and stiff it will not roll out.

Almond paste center:

1 pound almond paste frozen (purchased from Amazon)

Grate almond paste in frozen condition

Add 1 cup sugar

1 t lemon extract

1/4 cup egg white

Mix together and divide into 4 equal parts and chill

Prior to rolling out crust dough, sprinkle a thin layer of flour on the roll out surface.  This will facilitate lifting the dough when folding it over the almond paste.  Roll out crust dough into an 8 inch by 16 inch rectangle and divide this in half into 2  4x16 inch pieces.

Roll out on wax paper, 1 part chilled almond paste into a 14 inch long roll.  it will be about 3/4 inch diameter.  Place rolled almond paste on center of one half of the crust dough and fold up crust dough around almond paste.  Fold in ends first and then the 15 inch length.  (NOTE:  remove and discard a 1.25 inch square from each corner of the crust dough before folding ends over.  This will prevent  a thick crust build up on the ends.)  WET the top surface of the folded crust before folding the other edge on top of it.  Brush leftover beaten egg white on top of rolled crust.  Cut about 8  1 inch slits in the top of the crust dough before baking. (scissors)

Sprinkle red or green or both colored sugar on crust before baking.  Repeat for remaining 3 parts of almond paste.

Bake on parchment paper for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.

Hope you enjoy!  Merry Christmas!

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