Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Part 2: Now that the HSTs are made, the fun part: putting together the quilt top - pink and gray herringbone baby quilt

This will be the finished product, but how did I get from half square triangles (HST) to this?
Once you have cut your HSTs, gently open them up and press.  You may press to the solid, the print or open.  On these I pressed to the solid gray, but for the rest of the quilt top, I pressed seams open to reduce the bulk at the corners.  You will notice the little triangle tabs that each has.  Cut those off.
HSTs are so fun because they are so versatile.  So many fun designs can be made from them.  Alisa from Making More with Less posted this very nice graphic of several possible designs.

I was particularly interested in the herringbone.  So, I begin laying the blocks out on the floor and keep moving them around till I am pleased.  Good exercise plan!  You see the bottom right corner is not quite right.

Try to make sure your seam lines line up just right and pin before sewing.
You might also notice the lines are slanted, but go straight the last 1/4 inch.  Don't worry.  It is supposed to be that way.  That straight edge will disappear when stitched to another row.  I generally like to sew each row, then sew the rows together.
OOPS.  Something went wrong here.  I have learned through the years to make friends with my seam ripper.  Something will always go wrong.  Just chill when that time comes and you have to remove a seam.

Whew!  That was a good day's work!  I need to make dinner now.  My dear sweet man never complains if I stay in pajamas all day and sew, so the least I can do is make dinner for the man!  So tomorrow we can discuss how to put it together into a baby quilt.

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