Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sweet Dreams - Half Square Triangles


     There are so many ways to make half square triangles.  
There is the "magic 8" to make 8 at a time; 
stitching the outside edges of a square, cutting an x to make 4 at a time;
making 2 at a time from 2 squares laid together;
and my favorite way, with strips.  Sew 2 strips together with a 1/4 inch on both sides, then cut with Quilt in a Day triangle square up ruler placed on the SEAM line, not the edge.  Then NO SQUARING up is necessary!  Woo hoo!

     Since I was using 10" square, the strip method was not going to work for me.  I would have to make them 2 at a time in order to utilize my fabric in the most efficient way.  Ugh!  Such a time consuming method when you have 148 to make!

     I cut 4 inch squares - why would directions for a 3.5 inch block (3 inch finished) say to cut 3 and 7/8 inch squares?  Really?  I prefer to cut slightly larger  (only 1/8 of an inch) and have room for mistakes that can be trimmed out.  Using Fons and Porters's 1/4 ruler, I drew a line on either side with a Frixion gel pen.  Then placed white and print squares together, sewed down each line and cut apart.

      After sewing them all together and cutting apart, I used the Quilt in a Day Triangle Square Up ruler to trim BEFORE opening the blocks without having to flip and trim each one twice.  

Since I wanted a 3.5 inch HST, the 3.5 line goes on
the stitch line, not the edge.  It comes out perfect!

     Once again the heavily starched fabric was easy to finger press saving time at the ironing board and my blocks did not stretch out of shape while being manipulated.
    The blocks end up with "ears" on each side which you just trim off.

     Then time for the 4 patch blocks - 160 of those!  This is the first time I have made a quilt that will have some pieces that are only 1.5 inches square!
Stitched and ready to open up.

160 4 patch blocks ready to go.


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