Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sweet Dreams - V Blocks


     With 148 V blocks to make, I needed to be able to pick up my pace.  I only got 40 made on the first day.  The pattern has templates to use to make the blocks.  Most patterns do.  That spells wonky disaster in my book.  I was grateful that in the last quilting class I took, we were provided with our fee Deb Tucker's V Block ruler.   I cannot imagine making 148 blocks without it!
     The directions are simple.  The ruler provides lines to cut the middle triangle and the sides.  For a 3.5 inch block (3 inch) finished, you cut a strip 4" wide.  That gives plenty of room for trimming up without wasting fabric.  And it makes a PERFECT block.

     Since I had starched the fabric with straight starch, it was easy to finger press after the first side was stitched without having to go to the ironing board. Then I added the second side, finger pressed and ended with a touch up from the iron.

     After stitching the sides, the lines on the ruler are easy to see.  First cut comes from this side.

Flip the block over and easy to use lines are on the other side.

Result - perfect block.
Perfectly squared.
Perfect 1/4 seam at the top.

Aren't these luscious looking?  Stacked in groups of 4.

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