Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sweet Dreams Danielle

     My daughter in law, Danielle, is dear to me.  My son chose her, and she adores him. She is the mother of my first beloved granddaughter, and she is the most kind and patient mother I have ever seen.
     My fondest memories of Danielle came from an extended stay they had with us in Holland, Michigan.  I think that was the time I saw her most relaxed and at peace with herself.  During that time, she would just sing out when her heart was happy, no self-consciousness, just joy.  I have always been intimidated to sing out loud.  Danielle has a sweet and lovely voice.  My skills are more like the proverbial “can’t carry a tune in a bucket.”  But from her I learned to just sing it out when I feel it.  I have stopped being embarrassed by my lack of skill, just show the joy inside.
     It was thrill to me when she took up quilting.  It is fun to have that in common.  In Holland my quilting area was in the basement.  She and I had tables set up where we could sew at the same time.  We continue to enjoy showing each other our latest creations and discussing our plans.
     From Danielle I learned to count the actual time spent on a quilt.  Before I just knew I worked a week on that one, 3 weeks on that one, etc.  But she counts the actual hours.  That’s discipline.  Danielle is probably the most disciplined person I know.  If I am going to make quilts to sell, I need to know how much time I spent.  So, I have lately begun to follow her lead and log my time.  That is how I know her quilt took 78 hours not counting the times I lay awake at night thinking about it.  She is worth every minute and more.
     Danielle causes me to reflect on myself.  I would often see something in her that would cause me to see myself.  I saw our similarities.  It took me a long time to see our differences and part of that came from her pointing them out to me.
     Here is the metaphor I have for the two of us.  I am a bubbling stream.  I’m not deep, you can see the bottom and know what is there.  There are a few nooks and crannies that hide little creatures, but it is mostly transparent.  I’m mostly cheerful.  I take things at face value.  There are storms that cause me to swell and churn, leaving some rocks moved and banks eroded, but when they are over, I’m pretty much the same.
     Danielle is a deep ocean.  Our life experiences have been very different. I have the luxury of being shallow and transparent.  She does not have that luxury.  She has many layers that have different temperature zones, light zones and different creatures abiding in each.  On sunny days she is a beautiful azure.  Then there are gray stormy days when she is clouded over, waves are tossed, and things from the deep surface. 
     If you met Danielle, you would know right away she is beautiful.  It would not take long before you would perceive that she is extremely intelligent.  But as I have known her for 10 years, the word that comes to my mind to describe her is overcomer.  She has grown and developed in so many ways over the past 10 years.  She has looked into the depth of her soul in ways few people are brave enough to do and allowed herself to be transformed.  Monsters from the deep threaten to pull her under, but she fights for the light.  She fights to overcome; to overcome evil with good; overcome hate with love; overcome cruelty with kindness and gentleness; overcome chaos with shalom.
     She has been willing to share with me some of these battles so that I can understand her more intimately.  It only causes me to love her more deeply.
     So as I spent the hours on a quilt to wrap her in love, acceptance and shalom, I have prayed for her.  Another experience we have had together was being able to attend Ray Vander Laan Bible classes.  From those we heard about the world being plunged into chaos and God’s spirit moving to bring shalom.  The call of Christians is to bring shalom to a chaotic world.  So, I have prayed continually for God’s shalom for her.  The Hebrew expresses much more than peace as in absence of war.  It expresses peace, wholeness, wellness, prosperity in mind, soul and body.
     So, Danielle, here on your birthday I want you to know I am constantly amazed at what I have seen God do in your life.  Constantly amazed at the changes you have allowed and incorporated.  Constantly amazed at your discipline.  Constantly amazed at your transformation.  And constantly amazed that it continues day after day after day.
     Shalom my dear daughter of the heart.

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