Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My First Christmas

This was the first Christmas in my life to not be with my parents in Alabama on Christmas Day.  I have always dreaded this day, but it was a pleasant day for me.

We did celebrate Christmas with my parents.  Two years ago, with a new baby, one of the grandkids suggested we get together  before Christmas.  Several have to fly.  The flights would be cheaper and the airport less crowded.  So it worked out very well.

This year another grandkid took up the banner and got everyone to come together for the weekend of the 14th.

I had planned to fly in from Florida on the 11th.  But, mom ended up in the hospital again and dad needed me.  So I drove up on the 4th.  Medical things were taken care of.  

The grandkids and great grandbaby began arriving and our typical family Christmas happened, just 11 days early.  Mom still wasn't well, but enjoyed the distraction of company.

Then after the weekend, several were still around the family compound.  Two trips to Urgent Care for ear infection for one and sinus infection for another was followed by 5 cases of stomach virus - one of those cases being me!  I was managing well being the family hostess in my mom's place, taking care of her and helping my dad, doing overnight baby duty so parents could sleep all night next door, until the virus.  22 hours in the bed still left me with a tender stomach.

Since my husband's contract stated specifically that he had to be in Florida for Christmas Eve, I had decided several weeks ago that I would come back to Florida as he missed all the family hoopla.  That became iffy as my mom made slow progress.  We were able to hire some very caring people to help mom and dad.  I left for the 12 hour drive on Monday.  Traffic was busy and serious rain hit me after I crossed the Florida state line.  I was physically and emotionally exhausted when I returned.

My husband and I had decided in advance that we would not exchange gifts as there is nothing in the world we need or really desire to add to our collection we haul across the country.

For my first Christmas Day EVER not in Alabama with my parents, we rode bikes to the beach, walked on the beach, laid on towels, rode our bikes back in the rain getting soaked, then decided to go ahead and get in the pool.  The sky turned clear, blue and sunny by the time we changed.  After a light lunch we headed off to our "friends like family" from Illinois who now live 30 minutes south of us.  I am used to lots of noise and activity on Christmas Day.  But I've had that already.  

My Christmas Day was perfect.

1 comment:

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